Wednesday, November 29, 2006

...more snow...DOT better DOT your i's

so it did end up being a nuisance...well I think more because Seattle is just not ready for so much snow and the weatherman forcasting rain rather than snow. A 15 min commute ended up taking 2 hours with cars pointing at all angles, a number of accidents and stranded vehicles along the way. Many neighborhoods lost power (or still don't have any), icy gridlocks, more accidents, school and office closures.

hey at least the seahawks beat the packers in their first ever snowed in home game...not too shabby! For most the commute back was a nightmare though, an unlucky chap was stuck in traffic for 14 hours before he got back home in Portland.

Now we're getting ready for another one to hit us tonight followed by icy rain (even worse)...

...hopefully DOT has DOTted their i's this time...

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